Tuesday, September 7, 2010

30 Days Has September

For those of you who haven’t yet been introduced to Christiaan Van Vuuren or The Fully Sick Rapper, consider yourselves introduced.

After being diagnosed with Tuberculosis upon his return from backpacking the world, The Fully Sick Rapper was put into quarantine in a single room in hospital and a series of these You Tube videos is the result.

leafie + lize are secretly in love with him. Don’t tell anyone.

Which is why our Tuesday arvo was brightened when we both happened to be listening to triple j and tuned in to The Dr ‘s interview with the rapper himself.

Not only is he funny he also has a really optimistic and frivolous outlook on life hence the reason we love him and why we weren’t surprised when he started telling us about 30 Days Has September.

30 Days is a campaign and charitable initiative ‘To inspire, benefit and grow individuals and communities by driving a shift in perception to the day ahead and what can be made of it.’

The aim is to do something you haven’t done or wouldn’t usually do for each day of September. leafie + lize are starting by giving blood.

So check out the website and get inspired.


Be sure to download the list of things to do too.

1 comment:

  1. what inspirational creatures you are. you´ll have to let us know how it goes... I believe donateblood.com.au has a heap of info incl where your nearest donor centre is. (too contrived?) x
